Queretaro. Fri Aug 19th

District Convention. We travelled all night on a bus with the congregation for 9 hrs. We arrived early morning here in Queretaro. Since we arrived so the early, the hotels wouldn't let us check in. So we went straight to the convention site for pre-cleaning even though we were lookin really rough and busted!
The hotel we´re staying at is wicked nice. We´ve ordered room service. Went swimming in the pool, got my butt sun burned while the little Mexican waiters would bring us towels and ask if we wanted anything from the bar. OH and the best part is they have like 5 movie channels all in English so we've been catching up.
Either way, this morning we were a little rushed on time and shared the taxi with Ashton and Eboni. As soon as we walked in an MS from our congregation told Brandon they needed volunteers and sent him over to Dean´s desk. Where Dean promtply made Brandon an attendent. Gave him the fancy badge and everything! I was so proud. He was all seating people and handing out programs. I reserved seats in the first row. We´ve never sat that close before at a convention but it was actually really nice....leg room, easy to pay attention, close to the bathrooms... The program was nice as I´m sure you all remember. Today was the new tract day. Itzel Pacheco had an interview. She was so cute. She wore an indigneous outfit and spoke the most excited English. I taped it all so we can watch it when we get back. They also interviewed brothers from Japan and Germany who were here serving and what challenges and blessings they have experienced. Everyone seems to concur that the challenges are numerous, giving up your standard of living, material things, family for as they call a ´comfortable´home and $3 pesos for the bus rides. But the service is very rich. Surprisingly, the interested ones who are studying are the Mexicans who speak a little English. Mostly men who have worked in the States, picked up some English, and now want to study in English. For some reason, studying in Spanish doesn´t interest them.
Tomorrow, they are having an orientation session for those comtemplating moving to Mexico English. Brandon already claims this isn´t his cup of tea but we're still going to go to the meeting and see what it's all about. They are many Americans here and a few Canadians. The CO is Canadian. The Deckers from Cumming moved here last year. Machal a sister from Roswell Spanish just moved down two weeks ago. Arlis and his husband are down from Crabapple for the convention just to check it out. We were surprised to even know anyone here. The attendance was 2,267 for all of the country!
After the convention we came back to the hotel, ordered more room service then headed out in town to Plaza de Armas. (a main square, much like a piazza) We heard ´some´witnesses might be there. Well, we were misinformed. EVERY WITNESS WAS THERE! Seriously the whole entire plaza was filled with red badges declaring Godly Obedience. We ran into some sisters from our congregation just as the 12-man band started playing. Guitars, violins, accordions, tamborines, flamengo hand clapper things... The fountains were flowing, lights flooding through the archways, and mariachi music resonating off the Plaza´s walls. The band began to move down a side street and the crowd followed. They moved up the north side of the plaza and the crowd followed. Clapping their hands chanting 'OTRA OTRA' The crowd was swaying from side to side, singing the words, gathering in little circles doing what looks like really jumpy line dances. MIND YOU, these are all witnesses now. The crowd got so large, Brandon put me on his shoulders so I could film all these American brothers going loco for this band. This is also on tape!
Well, our night has come to a close now and we must rest up for another day of the convention. I have some digital pics so I will upload those as soon as we get back!
Terriffic jorb, Sherry. This blog will allow everyone to vicariously enjoy your trip. Oh, and if you want to post pictures to the blog, you can; I can show you or you can take a gander at the extensive help available for blogger.
We miss y'all (Sunday dinners just aren't the same without the sound of Brandon burping.) Keep up the good posts and the excellent work.
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