Jehovah Finds a Way...
Tonight during the CO´s talk one of his point in establishing a good relationship with Jehovah is straightening out matters with him. If we´re hiding sins, if we commit a sin to openly confess it, etc. He gave an example:
A sister, married to an elder, went to the doctor for a general reason. Ended up finding out she had AIDS. She knew she had never committed fornication, she had only been with her husband, was raised in the truth, so she was puzzled as to how she had that infection. She went to the elders and explained to them how she´s raised in the truth, never strayed, only married to her current husband and somehow she contracted AIDS.
So the brothers formed a judicial and called the elder in. They asked him how his wife might have contracted AIDS? The brother replied ¨I can not fight against Jehovah¨. He admitted he had been sleeping with a girl in the congregation. So the elders called in the girl and asked her to take a blood test.
The girl returned and proudly said she was not the one infected with AIDS, she was clean. Even more puzzled, the elders asked the husband to go have a blood test. But his test too came back negative?!
The elders met with the wife again and asked her to go back and take another test. It turns out the doctor confused the results and she was not infected! Neither the wife, husband or the girl. But the truth came out! The affair was discovered and the matter was dealt with judicially!
Amazing! Remember, we can´t hide anything from Jehovah´s eyes. He has the power to make the truth known!
I WOULD HATE it if the doctor took me aside and said, solemnly, "Vincent...I don't know how to put this have AIDS."
I WOULD FREAK. And then! Find out my wife was cheating, but doesn't have AIDS, so I go back only to hear the doctor say "Op! My mistake! Ha-ha! You don't have AIDS at all! Bet you're glad to know THAT!"
Just like when I went to microcenter today and the guy gave me a gig of "laptop" RAM. And I get home and unpackage it only to find that it's not the right RAM at all. The jerk was so convinced. And I paid $140 for it. I knew he didn't know what he was talking about.
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